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Built to last? Product longevity and repairability in Switzerland and beyond

Mi., 16. Okt.



It’s now widely recognised that humanity’s throwaway and consumerist culture is profoundly unsustainable, and that a shift towards durable and repairable products is a necessity. Of course, with many challenges and systemic inertia to overcome, how can we achieve such a transformation?

Built to last? Product longevity and repairability in Switzerland and beyond
Built to last? Product longevity and repairability in Switzerland and beyond

Time & Location

16. Okt. 2024, 18:00 – 21:00

Zürich, Pfingstweidstrasse 16, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz

More about this event

“Our economy is built on the assumption of endless growth. But when we take a closer look at the underlying resources, we realise that this is unsustainable. We need to design products with their end of life in mind and create systems that make repair and reuse not just possible but desirable.”

– Kate Raworth

It’s now widely recognised that humanity’s throwaway and consumerist culture is profoundly unsustainable, and that a shift towards durable and repairable products is a necessity. Of course, with many challenges and systemic inertia to overcome, how feasible is such a transformation?

This is precisely the question we will tackle at this joint event between One Planet Lab (part of the national "Long live our products" coalition), GreenBuzz and Tsü as part of the Tsüri circularity month. We will draw on perspectives from other countries to see how Switzerland can learn best repairability practices from elsewhere. Expect to hear of exciting innovations and companies who are already building in longevity from the ground up, as well as policies and regulations which can promote this from top-down. Finally, we will look at incentives, jobs and skills needed to connect the dots and ensure success.

Whether you are already heavily involved in the topic or keen to learn more, come and be part of the conversation!


18:00 - 18:30 Registration

18:30 - 18:40 Welcome by OPL / GreenBuzz / Tsüri / Coalition “Long live our products”

18:40 - 19:05 Keynote Presentations

19:05 - 19:15 Quick networking break

19:15 -  20:00 Panel discussion and audience Q&A

20:00 - 20:15 Breakout groups with discussion Qs? + elevator summary

20:15 - 21:30 Apéro and Buzzing


  • Joelle Herin, Greenpeace / Koalition Lang leben unsere Produkte

  • Sophie Michaud Gigon, Green Party, National Council

  • Andreas Lindau, Stadt Zürich

  • Tanya Sodderegger, Transa

  • Tom Koch, Rytec Circular

Panel Co-moderators

  • Chris Thomas, GreenBuzz

  • Laurene Descamps, OPL

Register here

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